"An Introduction to Deep Learning with Neural Networks", Virtual Event

On October 22nd, 2020 the Acadia Institute for Data Analytics held an event entitled "An Introduction to Deep Learning with Neural Networks". This tutorial provides a gentle hands-on introduction to developing predictive models using deep learning artificial neural networks. This tutorial, attending by students of Saint Francis Xavier University and business professionals in the surrounding area, provided a high-level overview of the key elements of neural networks and deep learning, and recent advances that allow deep networks to solve challenging problems such as object recognition in images (e.g. classification of animal or letter) and sequence prediction (e.g. next word in a sentence, like Google auto-complete). Participants built their own deep models using prepared software (Keras and Tensorflow) working in the browser using Google Colaboratory.

This virtual event was recorded and introductions for transferring the workshop materials are provided below.


In preparation for the tutorial, we ask that you please do the following:

1. Ensure you have a recent version of the Chrome browser running on your laptop

2. Ensure that you have access to a Google account. If you don’t already have one, you can set one up here.

3. Ensure that you are able to access your Google Drive cloud via your Google account: Google Drive

    1. Visit the Google Colaboratory website
    2. Sign in using the button in the top left corner with your Google Drive account

4. Please learn the basics of Google Colaboratory

    1. View the “Intro to Google Colab” video
    2. Read the brief Overview of Google Colaboratory

5. Please transfer the workshop materials (slides and code) from GitHub to your laptop or desktop by doing the following:

    1. Open the Workshop Materials on GitHub in your browser
    2. Click the “Code” button and then “Download Zip”

6. Transfer the required ipynb code to your Google Colaboratory environment by doing the following:

    1. Open Google Colaboratory in your browser
    2. Click on File > Upload Notebook > Click on GitHub tab > paste the repository link (https://github.com/AIDA-WORKSHOP/Test2020) > hit enter > select all notebooks from the list

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