Data Science Using R, a Short Introduction

On May 5th, 2021, the Acadia Institute for Data Analytics hosted a virtual event, "Data Science Using R, a Short Introduction". With an audience of 20+ researchers, students, and business professionals, Dr. Luis Torgo of Dalhousie University delivered an in-depth tutorial on several key steps in data science projects and illustrating them using the R programming language and environment. Dr. Torgo described several tools available in R for reporting, data munging and manipulation, data visualization, and predictive analytics.

Resources from the workshop can be accessed using the link below:


More about Dr. Torgo:

Luis Torgo is a Canadian Research Chair (Tier 1) on Spatiotemporal Ocean Data Analytics and a Professor in the Faculty of Computer Science at Dalhousie University. Luis also holds appointments as an Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, Portugal, and as an invited professor of the Stern Business School of the New York University where I have been teaching in recent years at the Master of Science in Business Analytics.

Luis' research revolves around the general area of Data Science, with a strong focus on Predictive Analytics for data with spatial, temporal, or spatiotemporal dependencies. Recently, Luis has been focusing on modeling rare events, with applications to fraud detection, prediction of extreme values, and monitoring activities for anticipating anomalous behavior.

Dr. Torgo has published two books, "Data Mining with R: Learning with Case Studies" and "Data Mining with R: Learning with Case Studies, Second Edition" in addition to a number of aritcles.


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